Volunteer With Us

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Volunteer application form

The emotion21 program is delivered and supported by the Inclusion Foundation. By completing this form you are expressing your interest in volunteering with emotion21. Volunteers play a vital role at emotion21, we simply could not deliver our programs without them. All volunteer applications are reviewed with consideration to our current volunteer opportunities.
Your Details
(insurance conditions apply)
(mobile number +61 4 for Australia/ database)
Emergency Contact Details
(mobile number +61 4 for Australia/ database)
Equal Opportunities
Inclusion Foundation is committed to equal opportunities and all volunteer recruitment decisions will be based on merit, suitability for the role and experience. All volunteer recruitment decisions will be made regardless of gender, ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other individual characteristic which may unfairly affect a person’s opportunities in life. Inclusion Foundation fully endorses a working environment free from discrimination and harassment.
Volunteer Positions
Please select all applicable
Working With Children’s Check
NDIS Workers Screening Check
Volunteer Agreement

Please read through our volunteer agreement and click if you agree with the terms included. Thank you for registering your interest in joining our passionate and dynamic team of volunteers.

emotion21 is supported, delivered and promoted by the Inclusion Foundation. It is run almost exclusively by volunteers and we simply could not run our weekly programs, public performances and events without your support.

Volunteering is mutually rewarding and beneficial. We expect our volunteers to support Inclusion Foundation’s vision to change how the world views and values people with Down syndrome.

So that you get the most from your volunteering experience, we ask that you:

  • Embody the Inclusion Foundation values of Be proud, Act with kindness, Show courage, Open heart and mind and See the person always at all times you are involved in an Inclusion Foundation or emotion21 event (this includes any time at all you are wearing the Inclusion Foundation or emotion21 branded clothing in a public or private setting, even if it is not a formal emotion21 event)
  • Participate and complete all relevant induction and training programs for your particular volunteer role in the organisation
  • Operate under the direction and supervision of nominated staff
  • Abide by and role model all the class rules of emotion21 as per the age group in which you have been allocated to support e.g. no touching rule
  • Be punctual and arrive at all emotion21 classes, performances and events fully prepared, wearing emotion21 uniform and ready to fulfil your role as a volunteer
  • Be a role model for health and safety, and comply with WH&S policy (all emotion21 events are non-smoking and alcohol/drug free). Dance class support volunteers are also required to wear the emotion21 uniform, clothing and footwear
  • Obtain written permission prior for all visual and auditory recording of any aspect of the event or your participation (this includes mobile phone photos/videos)
  • Refer all members of the Press who request comments, photos, opinions, information and interviews to the authorised Inclusion Foundation or emotion21 representative
  • Let us know if you wish to change the nature of your contribution (e.g. hours, role) to emotion21 at any time
  • Inclusion Foundation collects and stores information from individuals and organisations for the sole purpose of our organisational activity. In compliance with Privacy laws you are advised and agree that personal information must not be collected, used or disclosed without prior knowledge and consent from the individual. All signatories of our agreement agree not to share, sell or trade information about Inclusion Foundation employees, volunteers, donors and clients
  • All signatories of our agreement also agree not to share, sell or trade Inclusion Foundation’s or emotion21’s IP – Intellectual Property
  • Consent for Inclusion Foundation to take and use photographs, video and film footage and audio recordings
  • Under the Information Privacy Act, photographs, videos, film and audio recordings are classified as “personal information”. I agree that Inclusion Foundation may, at its discretion, use photos, videos, voice recordings, the written version of the words spoken in videos, film and voice recordings and identify me using first name only as part of its programs and the promotion thereof.
  • The forms of media used may include (but not limited to): YouTube, Facebook, Flicker, Twitter, websites, television, newspapers, newsletters, pamphlets and exhibitions.
  • I understand that I may withdraw my consent to publish the above information at any time by writing to Inclusion Foundation and as a result, Inclusion Foundation will arrange for this information to be removed from all future printed publications.
  • As a volunteer I agree to adhere to the guidelines defined in this volunteer agreement.