Work skills development workshops
Work Skills Development Workshops
In 2022, with great success, Impact21 piloted the Holiday Program Workshops, which were a series of skill-based workshops and socialising opportunities for participants.
In 2023, we will use the identified skills gaps for the launch of our new Work Skills Development Workshops (WSDW) series. These programs will provide targeted, elective modules, whilst also building social skills through engagement in fun activities with peers.
The WSDWs will launch in February 2023 and will consist of four key modules each delivered over two days. Participants can opt into those modules as they wish.
Please note, class sizes are limited.
Course details:
When: Will run every Monday and Thursday throughout February as follows:
- Building Independence: Thursday 2 and Monday 6 February
- Professionalism: Thursday 9 and Monday 13 February
- Creativity: Thursday 16 and Monday 20 February
- Health: Thursday 23 and Monday 27 February
Time: All courses will run 10am-3pm, unless otherwise notified. Lunch will be 1–hour.
Location: Torrens University, 196 Flinders Street, Melbourne 3000
How to enrol:
Email us here and list the modules and days you wish to attend
NDIS Cost Code: 04_104_0125_6_1_T, Core skill building, $26.68 (p/h)
Building Independence: Allowing the development of skills, competency, and autonomy
Professionalism: Identified through employer feedback as current skills gaps; making small talk, boundaries, confidence, and initiative
Creativity: Finding outlets for self-expression and confidence building through creative activities
Health: Building emotional regulation and improving stamina.
- Current and enrolling participants of Impact21’s Foundation and Impact21 programs
- Age eligible participants from emotion21: 16-35 years
- Impact21 Alumni